# Not clear if this does anything, but other extension do it. # However, seems to make this not work, so commenting out for now. #!! hooks #DynamicPageList #!! endhooks # Some of these might fail if some other # extension adds articles to the tests, which is bad. # Things not tested: ## *Flagged revs related props ## *Actual intersection (multiple notcategory/category clauses) ## due to issue with mysql self-joins on temp tables. ## *Date related things (Addcategorydate) since the output ## varries depending on today's date. ## *gallery stuff (lack of images) ## *some order methods, due to lack of flexibity in page creation ## googlehack (dpl_id) stuff because page_id changes depending on other tests. !! article DPLTest1 !! text [[category:DPLtest]] !! endarticle !! article Talk:DPLTest2 !! text [[category:DPLtest]] [[category:DPLtest3]] [[category:DPLtest2]] !! endarticle !! article Talk:no_Categories !! text no cats !! endarticle !! article Yet another DPL test page! !! text [[category:DPLtest]] [[category:DPLtest2]] !! endarticle !! article help:DPLTest3 !! text Article. [[category:DPLtest2]] !! endarticle !! article DPLRedir !! text #Redirect[[DPLtest]] [[category:DPLtest]] !! endarticle # start actual tests. !!test basic, single category list, ordered by cat add, desc. !!input category=DPLtest !!result !!end !!test basic, single category list, but ascending !!input order = ascending category=DPLtest !!result !!end # Depnds on page id of other pages # so could break depending on other tests # if they get different page id # # Low and behold that actually does happen. Commenting out. #!!test #dpl_id #!!input # #category=DPLtest #googlehack=true # #!!result # # #!!end !!test nofollow !!input category=DPLtest nofollow=true !!result !!end !!test supresserrors !!input category=DPLtest category=DPLtest1 category=DPLtest2 category=DPLtest3 category=DPLtest4 category=DPLtest5 category=DPLtest7 category=DPLtest6 category=DPLtest8 category=DPLtest9 category=DPLtest10 suppresserrors=true !!result !!end ## BROKEN!! mysql doesn't like using self-joins on temporary tables ## which breaks this test. #!!test #Intersection. #!!input # #category=DPLtest #category=DPLtest2 # #!!result # # #!!end ## BROKEN!! (same as above) #!!test #Intersection and negation. #!!input # #category=DPLtest #category=DPLtest2 #notcategory=DPLtest3 # #!!result # # #!!end !!test Negation with namespace. !!input namespace=talk notcategory=DPLtest3 !!result !!end !!test Namespace limited to category. !!input category=DPLtest namespace=talk !!result !!end !!test Namespace no category. !!input namespace=help !!result !!end !!test Don't show namespace name. (shownamespace=false) !!input namespace=help shownamespace=false !!result !!end # This one has count=1 to avoid articles from other tests. !!test Invalid ns treated as main namespace !!input namespace=Look mummy, this totally isn't a namespace count=2 !!result !!end !!test count and offset combined. !!input category=DPLtest count=1 offset=1 !!result !!end !!test include redirects !!input category=DPLtest redirects=include !!result !!end !!test only redirect !!input category=DPLtest redirects=only !!result !!end # Should behave like false. # Can't actually test true, since the date would vary. !!test addfirstcategorydate=INVALID !!input category=DPLtest addfirstcategorydate=INVALID !!result !!end !!test addfirstcategorydate=false !!input category=DPLtest addfirstcategorydate=false !!result !!end !!test mode=unordered (default) !!input category=DPLtest mode=unordered !!result !!end !!test mode=INVALID !!input category=DPLtest mode=INVALID !!result !!end !!test mode=ordered !!input category=DPLtest mode=ordered !!result
  1. Yet another DPL test page!
  2. Talk:DPLTest2
  3. DPLTest1
!!end # This is broken !!test mode=none (line breaks) !!input category=DPLtest mode=none !!result

Yet another DPL test page!

!!end !!test mode=inline (comma list) !!input category=DPLtest mode=inline !!result

Yet another DPL test page!, Talk:DPLTest2, DPLTest1

!!end # None of these are images, so crappy test. !!test mode=gallery (complex, no image) !!input category=DPLtest imagewidth=70 galleryshowfilesize=yes galleryshowfilename=yes imagesperrow=7 gallerycaption=Look at my pretty gallery. {{SERVER}} mode=gallery !!result !!end !!test mode=gallery (simple, no image) !!input category=DPLtest mode=gallery !!result !!end !!test mode=gallery (complex, with image + bad image) !!input mode=gallery namespace=file addfirstcategorydate=ymd imagewidth=70 galleryshowfilesize=yes galleryshowfilename=yes imagesperrow=7 gallerycaption=I love Captions ordermethod=sortkey order=descending !!result !!end !!test mode=gallery (simple showfilesize, no image) !!input category=DPLtest mode=gallery galleryshowfilesize=yes galleryshowfilename=no !!result !!end # This is a crappy test since creation and categoryadd are the # same for parser tests. !!test ordermethod=created (by article id) !!input category=DPLtest ordermethod=created !!result !!end # This one is BROKEN! I'm not sure why. # Seems to order it in opposite order. Maybe timestamp isn't # fine grained enough or something given how parsertests creates them. #!!test #ordermethod=lastedit (by page_touched) #!!input # #category=DPLtest #ordermethod=lastedit # #!!result # # #!!end !!test ordermethod=length !!input category=DPLtest ordermethod=length !!result !!end !!test ordermethod=sortkey !!input category=DPLtest ordermethod=sortkey !!result !!end #check to make sure the alias works. !!test ordermethod=categorysortkey !!input category=DPLtest ordermethod=categorysortkey order=ascending !!result !!end # Check {{PAGENAME}} in category clause (dates variables are somewhat more common, but # this is easier to check. # # using {{PAGENAME:DPLtest}} because dpl uses a weird (and probably wrong way) of # expanding {{PAGENAME}} and friends, which doesn't work with parsertests and # the title= option. !!test Magic word in category clause !!input category={{PAGENAME:DPLtest}} !!result !!end